New Digital Student Edition
- Interactive Tools
- Scaffolds to support comprehension
- Annotating tools
- Automated scoring and self-checks
- Progress Monitoring

Proficiency Levels:
Beginning-Early Intermediate
CA Proficiency Level:
WIDA Proficiency Levels:

Proficiency Level:
CA Proficiency Level:
WIDA Proficiency Level:

Proficiency Levels:
Early Advanced-Advanced
CA Proficiency Levels:
WIDA Proficiency Levels:
On-Demand Webinar!
Start Strong: A Systematic Approach to Teach K–12 Newcomer English Learners
See Champion of IDEAS in action! And how it can be used along with Frames for Fluency, our supplemental program that focuses on oral language, to develop lessons that explicitly teach vocabulary, grammar, form and functions, to support newcomer English learners.

Systematic Scope and Sequence
Oral Language Development
Academic Achievement: Content-Area Topics
The Champion Reader covers a broad range of interesting topics including history, literature, communication, mathematics, and science and technology, as well as many different reading and writing genres.
At the end of each reading, students answer comprehension questions that assess understanding of the content and promote higher order thinking skills.