Go English2! Forms and Functions Charts are designed to be used with any ELD/ELA program as well as in any other classroom setting. The instructional process embraces the consistent framework of the Gradual Release of Responsibility (I do it; We do it; and You do it).

Teacher models behaviors, language, and skills.
Teacher taps into prior knowledge and builds background.

Teacher and students practice new language and skills together.
Instruction is explicit.

Apply & Extend
Students practice new language and skills in pairs and small groups.
Additional practice to build on new skills.
Flexible Classroom Uses
- Integrated with Carousel of IDEAS or any other ELD/ELA program. How?
- Identify the grammatical form being covered in your core program for that unit/chapter/lesson. This should be easily identified in the table of contents or unit overview chart of your core program teacher's guide.
- Look for that same form in the first column of the charts.
- Follow the instructional process provided in the Instruction Booklet to introduce, practice, and apply the form within different language functions such as describe, compare/contrast, analyze and persuade.
- Provide this additional practice for English learners to move them from one level of proficiency to the next with grammatical fluency and accuracy while using academic language functions.
- Use the vocabulary and themes from your ELD/ELA unit to provide authentic context for practicing the grammar forms and functions.
- Whole class
- Pull-out/Small groups
- Newcomer classes
- Integrated ELD
- Dedicated ELD
- Intervention classes
- Summer school
- Afterschool programs